Central City Concern (CCC) launched the Healing Through Art initiative to acquire and install a collection of high quality, curated, inspiring and beautiful artwork for the agency’s Old Town Recovery Center (OTRC) and Old Town Clinic (OTC), located in downtown Portland, Oregon.
The Healing Through Art Collection complements the unique healing model developed by Central City Concern, as well as the award-winning design for the campus created by SERA Architects. The collection is a shared community asset enriching the lives of the thousands of patients, clinicians and visitors receiving services or attending education and community programs at CCC throughout the year.
As a key member of the first Healing Through Art’s Art Task Force of Central City Concern, Jablonski worked alongside friend and colleague the late Dan Winter and a an outstanding committee, to fill the walls of CCC. The Art Task Force first secured 40 original works of art by Northwest artists, from local artists, collections and other donations. Central City Concern was “grateful for the many hours of tireless effort required to make this project a reality.” Artworks in the collection include works pictured here by” Joe Thurston, Rene Rickabaugh, Susan Seubert, Jack Portland, Cie Goulet, Betty La Duke and many others.
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